Great thing about the internet, it seems pretty permanent. Not to get dark on you, but one day I will not be here. I wanted to create a site that was more of a journal, to get my thoughts on paper and keep the memory of me available. So this is for anyone that cares to know, what I think of, what I believe in and what I care about. I don't plan on ever showing anyone this site, or promoting it. In hopes that one day my kids will stumble upon this site and just get one piece of advice out of it. Maybe resonate with something they're currently dealing with. To seek advice from their father and find it.
You will see grammar problems, I am not proof reading, perfecting or putting too much thought into this - just typing and submitting. As original to who I am as possible. Laugh at or laugh with. Disagree or agree. That is not the point.
So to my kids - I am not the smartest man, but my love for you is...well... you get it. Take some of this to your children, my grand-children. If you get nothing else from this, just remember that the single most important thing in life, the answer to all problems, literally all, is love.
Cherish life, no matter the darkness or negativity around you. Love people for who they are, and love them for who they are not. Never lose faith in humanity. Be grateful for what you have and never focus on what you do not. I did not build a simple life, my inspiration and motivation got the best of me. Maybe it is my ego... But I hope you can find the balance of success and happiness.
So help me spread love in everything you do and think. Think positive. Now... I am not saying be naive or gullible, please trust but verify. But be empathetic. Seek to understand, before trying to be understood. Have open communication, communicate fearlessly. No one is a mind reader, we tend to stay in our own heads and make assumptions. When you invest your time to build strong relationships with those nearest to you, that is when you can have honest conversation to stop assumptions. This is the single biggest issue I have seen throughout my entire life, both business and personal. Someone makes an assumption, not knowing the entire story or the reasoning, that spreads like cancer to everything they touch. A cancer that was self created and never should have happened if we just ask the questions for clear understanding. The thing is - if you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean they're idiots. They just think differently because of many factors. How they were raised. Social influence. Background. Trauma. Education. Their current focus and attention. So if you were them, born there, with them, you would be the same, no? So loosen up, get to understand their perspective, because you will understand why they think that way, why they decided to do that, and you will be surprised of the outcome. But you have to invest the time.
And this is my biggest message on the site, so I hope you enjoy reading and finding these messages throughout.