I grew up in a religious household. I remember 3 hour long church adventures every Sunday. I even went to study an hour before school started throughout my high-school years. It was just too much, and I ended up pushing back.
It was a strict religion with lots of rules. My parents wanted me to go on a mission right out of high school but I simply could not be as they wanted. I ended up with my philosophy of religion, which is 'just be a good person, and you will be fine'. I don't think you need to live by religion. I go back to my other philosophy being communication. If you want to be a subject expert, then you have to be all-in on the subject.
I realized that if I wanted to pick a religion, and live by it, I would have to study ALL religions. Truly understand their beliefs inside and out, in order to make a decision on which I chose to live by. This would take years, and I imagine the end result would be the same: just be a good person and a higher-being will take care of the rest.
Currently we do visit a church as frequent as possible. Mainly to teach our children what religion is and can be. I think it is important to understand what prayer is, what the Bible is, what afterlife can be, for them to grow and make their own decisions on what they would like to believe. Basically a foundation for them to grow on their own.
I know that religion has helped a lot of people, but I also know it has destroyed relationships as well. To each their own.
