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I am all about list, note taking and checking the box. I push this to my team at work, just get it on paper. Get it out of your head. Make a list of what you need to get accomplished. Then prioritize it.

I do this every morning, I check off what I accomplished and recreate my list of task I need to do today. I start at the top and do them one by one.

I also do this in my personal life. I love notes on my iPhone, I take notes as they pop up in my head to tackle over the weekend. Sometimes not successful with busy life and family, but I can remind myself of what I want to get done.

This might not help someone, but a good habit to attempt, it has worked for me.

This goes to something else - but communication, again. Just respond. Even if you don't have an answer, respond and acknowledge you received. And when you are still working on the answer a day later, but don't have the full answer, let them know you are still on it. It goes a long way in business.


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